Here I am: Marc Willmann


After this website has been promoting my services as a TYPO3 freelancer for many years, the relaunch was long overdue. Since I changed to a permanent position at one of the perhaps best employers ever since 2015, this website is now completely private.

On my old site there were many manuals for TYPO3; most of them referred to old TYPO3 versions and are not easily applicable to current TYPO3 versions anymore. For this reason I moved the outdated articles to virtual Nirvana. For one or the other post I plan to update the manual.

As the leader of the Education Committee of the TYPO3 Association I give insights into the community work and the current projects of the Education Committee, including the TYPO3 certification program.

If you came across this page while looking for professional support for your TYPO3 project: Yes, I am still happy to help and, together with my colleagues at F7, I am pulling coals out of the fire. The contact form is here :-)

Blog articles

29. December 2021
Project Carbon Footprint Zero: The Evaluation

Project Carbon Footprint Zero: The Evaluation

After one year, it is now time for the evaluation. Have we managed to become climate neutral? Where were there difficulties, what was easy? And where do we perhaps still need to…

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03. March 2021
TYPO3 FormFinisher

TYPO3 FormFinisher

Here I present a simple way to control from within a TYPO3 Form Finisher if and which subsequent finishers should be executed.

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01. January 2021
Happy new year! Our household becomes climate neutral: The experiment begins.

Happy new year! Our household becomes climate neutral: The experiment begins.

The preparations of the last few months must now prove their worth: Will the plan work and will we be able to significantly reduce our carbon footprint? We are ready!

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29. December 2020
Individual page types in TYPO3

Individual page types in TYPO3

Custom page types are a powerful tool - and sometimes better than complex extensions

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28. December 2020
OpenHAB and SolarEdge

OpenHAB and SolarEdge

SolarEdge inverters come with an API that can be used to read current production and consumption values.

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22. December 2020
There will be electricity

There will be electricity

In the future, electricity will not only be sourced in a CO2-neutral manner, but also generated in the same way. We are building a photovoltaic system on the roof.

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27. October 2020
A first success - the heating is climate neutral

A first success - the heating is climate neutral

In the future we will heat our house (almost) climate-neutrally. A step in the right direction.

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22. October 2020
TYPO3 Image-ViewHelper with GIFBUILDER functionality

TYPO3 Image-ViewHelper with GIFBUILDER functionality

I extend the f:image-ViewHelper and allow advanced image manipulation.

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12. October 2020
On the way to climate neutrality: How do I get to work?

On the way to climate neutrality: How do I get to work?

To optimize my CO2 footprint, I look at my way to work and compare alternatives: public transport, diesel or electric car.

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07. October 2020
Carbon Footprint: 0

Carbon Footprint: 0

I will not be able to save the climate on my own. But I can improve my personal CO2 balance.

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19. May 2020
Authenticate TYPO3 front-end user against external data source

Authenticate TYPO3 front-end user against external data source

Authenticate users against external applications with the TYPO3 Services API

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15. May 2020
Messages from the house: OpenHAB and Pushover

Messages from the house: OpenHAB and Pushover

With PushOver you can easily set up a message interface and receive messages from your home automation system.

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03. May 2020
Gitlab runner Autoscale in the Hetzner cloud

Gitlab runner Autoscale in the Hetzner cloud

An automatic build pipeline that grows with the requirements: My Gitlab buildchain goes into the HETZNER cloud.

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01. May 2020
Integration of Hue in OpenHAB

Integration of Hue in OpenHAB

In this howto we teach OpenHAB to communicate with the Hue system and switch lamps that support the Zigbee standard.

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28. April 2020
404 pages without error message on password protected pages

404 pages without error message on password protected pages

If a TYPO3 instance is password protected by .htaccess, there are often problems with the error pages. The solution is very simple.

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21. April 2020
TYPO3 Certification 10LTS

TYPO3 Certification 10LTS

A new TYPO3 release is pending: This also means a lot of work for the Education Committee.

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08. April 2020
OpenHAB and HomeMatic

OpenHAB and HomeMatic

In this part of home automation, we teach OpenHAB to talk to HomeMatic components.

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31. March 2020
Howto generate a proper page title: The TYPO3 PageTitle API

Howto generate a proper page title: The TYPO3 PageTitle API

The TYPO3 PageTitle API is the way to go to generate consistent and professional page title tags.

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26. March 2020
SmartHome with OpenHAB

SmartHome with OpenHAB

My vision of the SmartHome: away from advertising promises and control via smartphone. I want a really intelligent house.

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12. March 2020
Add your own Route Enhancer

Add your own Route Enhancer

URL Enhancers offer the possibility to generate talking URLs with TYPO3 onboard tools. A separate enhancer provides the solution if individual URL segments should not appear in the…

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19. February 2020
Buildchain with Gilab-CI for your TYPO3 project

Buildchain with Gilab-CI for your TYPO3 project

How to use a GitlabCI buildchain to increase code quality and ensure that the project can be built and deployed at any time

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15. January 2020
Extend the CkEditor

Extend the CkEditor

TYPO3 comes with a powerful Rich Text Editor. And this can be easily extended with plugins.

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Tour schedule

I am present at many events. If you would like to get to know me or ask me questions, you are welcome to do so. The list will be extended continuously.


TYPO3 Dialogue Day


01.08. ‐ 03.08.2024

TYPO3 Developer Days


17.10. ‐ 19.10.2024

TYPO3 Camp Berlin